Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Gundam Seed fanfic: Wolf Rider ch. 11

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Seed/Destiny!

Chapter 11: Monster

Deep within the woods miles and miles away from the nearest city, two wolves could be found lying underneath the shade of the trees with their sides heaving as they took in air. “Hey, Shinn,” I called out as I turned to face him. “You've improved quite a bit from the first time we fought,”

Shinn's red eyes widened with excitement. “You mean it?” he asked.

I nodded. “Of course. Though, it would be better to avoid giving your moves away,” I replied as I tucked my body into a more comfortable position.

A wolfish grin appeared on the younger boy's face as he took in the compliment. A small laugh escaped his throat. “I know... but like you said, I'm doing better. I have to be, after all that practice you're putting us through,” he commented.

Well obviously, if you try to take on the Lab with the way you guys are now, sadly to say, you wouldn't stand much of a chance,”

Shinn's smile faded as he took in my words. “Exactly how strong are they?” he asked as any trace of good humor disappeared with his smile.

I shrugged. “Well, their levels depend on the type of beings they are. I, for one, am a direwolf, the strongest-” I cut my sentence off as I realized that it was no longer true; I wasn't the strongest anymore.

Why didn't you finish your sentence?”

The sides of my mouth turned into a frown as I looked at him, who looked rather confused. “I was the strongest.. but that doesn't apply any longer,” I said quietly as my eyes narrowed, thinking of the dark figure that made my blood run cold. “There's another who is stronger than I am,”

Shinn leapt up from his position at my words. “'Stronger than you?' What do you mean?” he demanded as the look of alert was displayed on his face.

Exactly what I mean. The Lab has genetically-altered another human's DNA to be infused with that of a wolf,” I explained quickly. “They named him a 'werewolf' which is supposedly a class even higher than that of the direwolf, meaning that he is strongest in the facility,”

Then... have you witnessed his strength?”

My eyes narrowed as I recalled fighting him only a few days ago. I was seriously outclassed by him, though I had been a wolf for my entire life while he couldn't have been one for long. I nodded my head. “Yes, I've fought him recently... and through sheer luck, we were able to escape; Cagalli and I,” I growled.

Shinn slumped back down as he placed his head on top of his paws. His ears were flat against his head as though a dog had been scolded by its master. “If you could not defeat him, then it would be nearly impossible for us,” he said.

Though he is strong, I don't think it is impossible to defeat him. No being in this world is so godly that he can't be defeated,” I told him. “I am training you and your pack so that you would be able to fight better on even ground against the Lab due to the experience that you would have gotten from fighting me,”

And this 'werewolf'?”

Leave him to me,”

The two of us remained in silence as we thought about the battle that could happen any day. These wolves are improving, but not as fast as I had hoped. Especially the less eager ones like the wolf named Rey. I could feel his distrust from the aura he gave off. However, he fought and practiced like the others for the well-being of their pack, not because he wanted someone like me to teach him. He was quite strong, which was surprising due to his slim figure, but not strong enough to take on a noble from the lab.

Earlier, when I had asked about the pack and its variety of wolves, I had learned that this pack did not have many blood relations to each other. They picked up stray wolves who had no pack of their own or those who had been left behind and injured. The wolf to do so was the leader of the pack, in other words, Shinn's grandfather. He saved them from death and gave them a spot in his pack, which grew bigger and bigger as time passed. From the way the others spoke of him, he was greatly respected amongst wolves.

Each wolf in this pack had suffered. Some had lost their parents, some had lost their children. With Shinn, I learned that he was taken under the leader's wing as his own when he was found abandoned. When the leader searched for them, their bodies were found ripped apart by stronger creatures that dwelled in the forest. His parents had hid him away, in hopes of diverting the creature, putting their lives at risk. Shinn was barely more than a newborn pup.


I blinked at the call of my name as I turned to see Shinn. The expression that he wore on his face was different from the one earlier. He looked rather dazed. “What is it?” I asked, wondering what he was thinking.

Shinn seemed rather hesitant as his tail twitched nervously. “What do you think of Stellar?” he asked as his gaze fell on the wolf that laid next to Cagalli.

The two had quickly became friends, despite being unable to verbally converse with each other. But they seemed to understand each others' words through their actions. Stellar was also an orphan, like Shinn. She was found heavily injured after a fight with a large wild cat. Stellar had accidentally entered its territory and lost due to the difference in strength. However, instead of giving her the final blow, the cat had decided to let her suffer in pain until her death. It was then, where Shinn, who had a habit of strolling in the evening, had found her and taken her in.

I didn't know a lot about the she-wolf other than the fact that she doesn't speak a lot other anyone other than Shinn. But I guess that was expected because not only was he her savior, but he was also the same age as she was. I could see from the way her eyes shone that she carried no trace of evil and was a very innocent wolf. “I don't know her very well, but I think she seems like a very kind and innocent sort of wolf,” I replied, not sure whether this was what he had been looking for as an answer.

Shinn nodded his head, his ears bobbing up and down as he agreed. “Yeah.. she is,” he replied.

He put his head down on his paws. “I know this isn't the best time to be thinking about it, considering that there's a large battle up ahead, but I think I would like to ask her whether she would like to be my mate,” he said quietly, his tone nervous.

I smiled, recalling the evening last night where I, myself had proposed to Cagalli. When she had agreed, I felt so delighted that my worries of the upcoming battle were forgotten in an instant. What mattered to me at that moment was that my most important person in this world had agreed to be with me forever. “I think you should go for it. You have nothing to lose,” I advised as a blush could be seen from the wolf if he was a human teenager.

You're right. I'll ask her when the time is right,” Shinn replied. “Thanks,”

Don't mention it,”


It has been a few days since we first came to this spot. Athrun has been training the wolves non-stop, due to fear of being unready. There wasn't much that I could do to help them, because I'd only be a burden to their practices. So, for the past few days, I've been taking it upon myself to get my own training down. Before all of this came into my life, I had worked part-time at the gym and even before that, my parents had paid for my self-defense lessons. I frowned as I lowered my leg that was suspended in the air for a round-house kick.

Before all of this came into my life... It really did seem as though it was from another lifetime. Being in the student council, doing homework everyday and hanging with friends... it was a really distant memory. Would I be able to ever go back to that type of lifestyle? I wasn't so sure. It was a slim chance that we would even make it out alive. My mind and my heart were often at odds, one telling me that all of this had nothing to do with me and that I should return to being 'normal' while the other scoffed at the idea of running away cowardly. Even if Athrun and I turned our backs to everything that was happening now, it would only catch up with us sooner or later in the future. And by then, maybe more lives would have been lost.

I gritted my teeth as I wondered if my practices would be of any use in the upcoming battle. I knew from previous experience that I didn't stand much of a chance against regular wolves, much less the wolves that were genetically-modified. But being a captive in the lab, I knew no matter how strong the wolves were, it was the humans who ruled the place. I shivered at the memory of a sleek black weapon firing at us while we ran for our lives. I couldn't slow Athrun or the others down anymore; I had to do my part as well. The people in the lab were human, like me. At the very least, I could take them on.

As I thought about the upcoming battle, I felt a wet, warm object brush against the palm of my hand and looked down. It was Stellar. She brushed her head forwards as she whined for me to scratch the spot behind her ears. Smiling, I paused my training and did so, feeling the softness of her fur beneath my fingers. Then I brought my hand to the top of her head and stroked her, brushing past her ears. Stellar sighed happily as she tilted her head upwards, licking my hand with her rough tongue, tasting the saltiness of the sweat that escaped me.

I bent down, so that I was level with Stellar and gave her a hug. “Stellar, are you feeling nervous for the battle?” I asked quietly as Stellar panted softly in my arms.

I'm rather worried,” I admitted. “I know that I should have confidence in Athrun, but I can't help but to feel scared,”

This will be my first fight where lives will be at stake... I don't want any more beings to die,”

I felt Stellar move in my arms as a wet object licked my face. Stellar whined as I looked into her crystal-like eyes. As I studied her eyes, it seemed as though she was telling me that she was also worried; anyone with the right state of mind would be. But thinking about it ceaselessly wasn't going to bring us a victory. I gave her a small smile as I stroked her soft head again. Though there was a language barrier between us, I couldn't help but feel slightly more at ease than I had been earlier. I got back onto my feet. “Alright, enough moping around. I don't know about you, but I'm rather hungry. Hopefully, the guys will be back soon with the food. Let's go find the others that are here,” I said as I directed Stellar down the slope.

While Athrun and the other went to hunt, their mates and elderly remained behind to keep an eye on the younger ones and their resting site. Stellar's friends came up to greet us as they yipped for her to join them. Sighing, I sat down next to the wolves who were sun-bathing as we waited for the others to return. Leaning back, I glanced up towards the sky and noticed that it was rather grey and cloudy, as though a strong wind was coming our way. A low growl could be heard as I scrunched my eyebrows, wondering if thunder was also coming, when I realized a moment later that the growling wasn't the thunder, but from the wolves beside me.

In alert, I got to my feet as the wolves became more and more restless. Could it be Athrun and the others returning? No... they wouldn't become like this... Is something approaching? Just when the thoughts appeared in my mind, a flash of moment could be seen as several figures soared above our heads and landed behind us. Whipping my head around, I glanced in shock as two large wolves reared their heads and looked our way. The one in the center was an un-naturally large wolf that had a chocolate brown color fur coat.

I held my breath at the sight of these wolves; they were the ones that came from the Lab. The lighter coated wolf was one that I would never forget; Nicol, who was the one who had taken me prisoner not so long ago. The second wolf rather unfamiliar and the last, I couldn't take my eyes off him. His violet eyes were full of anger and hatred as he bared his teeth toward us, showing off his long canine fangs. His claws dug deep into the ground bearing the weight that the immense body held.

I could feel the wilderness wolves' uneasiness as they ignored the urge to shrink back at such a creature. Even I, who was human could feel the fear in the atmosphere around us. My heart began racing as I remembered the events that happened just a few days ago, when Athrun and I had barely escaped the Lab. We had encountered Kira, who held the form of a monstrous beast whose anger and lust for blood bore a heavy weight upon us. It was the exact same wolf that was in front of us now.... It is my brother.

At a sharp bark from Kira, the other two wolves lunged for their attack, facing off against the wilderness wolves. Jaws snapped against each other viciously as the wilderness wolves fought for their lives. Though we outnumbered them, it was obvious who the victor of this battle would be. However, as the battle went on, I noticed that only two of the Lab's wolves were fighting. As I scanned the area around me to find Kira, Stellar's growling from behind me took my attention. Spinning around, my breath was caught as I saw Kira's wolf stand before me, saliva dripping from his mouth as he watched us hungrily.

K-kira...” My voice was drowned out by Stellar's growling as he approached, slowly placing one paw in front of the other, crushing the earth as he made he way toward us.

When he was close enough to strike, Stellar lunged at him, jaws snapping in his face. I watched with horror as Kira counter-attacked by sidestepping her and clamping his jaws into her neck before throwing her over his shoulder. Stellar's body was thrown against the side of the cave as Kira made his way towards her once again. “Kira! Stop this! Don't hurt her!” I screamed.

Kira ignored my words as though they were never said. As Stellar was struggling to get back onto her feet, Kira forcefully slammed his paw down onto her neck, forcing her back down to the ground. A high-pitch gasp of pain ringed in my ears as I saw Kira gradually apply more and more force. He was going to kill her. Gritting my teeth, I grabbed a fallen branch that laid beside me and charged at him, throwing the fact that he was once my brother to the wind.

Kira paused as his ears perked at the sound of my heavy footsteps. Within a relatively close distance, I threw the branch at Kira, hoping that it would distract him. The impact that I was waiting for never came as he spun around, whipping his tail like a bat as it connected with the branch and flung it to the side. The branch slammed heavily against the trunk of the tree and created a huge dent in the bark.

My breathing grew faster and faster with every passing moment as I had fully caught Kira's attention now. “K-kira!” I called out as he progressed towards me. “It's me, Cagalli!”

Kira's eyes showed nothing but anger as he continued to move forward. My name... it had no importance on him. He had no recollection of who I was... of who he was. The cries of pain around me were drowned out by the thumping of my heart as I realized that Kira had me backed against the wall of the cave. Going onto his hind legs, my eyes watched as he raised his paw, claws aimed towards me. Leaping to the side, I felt an icy feeling flow through my body followed by warmth and pain as his claws had gotten my left arm.

Crying out, I landed against the forest floor, withering in pain. I brought my right hand out from under me. My hands were bathed in a pool of blood that flowed from the wound that he gave me. Kira went back down on all fours as he glanced at me once more. My breath was caught in my throat as I backed away, using my right arm to do so, because my legs would not do as they were told. I was going to die... die by Kira's hands...

Kira roared, causing the whole forest to echo behind him. As he made the motion to strike, another figure roared, slamming into him at the side, throwing Kira a few meters away. I watched as a dark-coated wolf took the place where Kira was moments before. Athrun...

Athrun bared his teeth as Kira snapped his jaws at him. The two faced off, lunging towards each other, jaws snapping in each other's faces. An exchange of swipes could be seen as they fought. Kira's snout made it's way to Athrun's tail and he clamped his jaws onto it tightly. Athrun roared in pain as he struggled to get out of his grasp. Finally, he kicked out his rear legs, one connecting with Kira's stomach, causing him to let go, while he gasped.

The two panted heavily as they glared at each other, several meters apart. Suddenly, a loud bark could be heard as another figure made their way to the scene. I recognized the wolf to be Nicol. The bracelet that hung on his leg was glowing as several colors flashed. He began to bark at Kira who said nothing in reply. Seeing that he wasn't paying attention to him, Nicol stepped in front of him and snarled in his voice. Kira's eyes narrowed as anger flowed through them once more. Without hesitation, Kira flew at Nicol, his jaws clamping down onto Nicol's leg, where the bracelet lay.

Nicol, who was thrown off guard, howled in pain and he struggled against Kira's strong hold. Blood gushed out of the wound as Kira's teeth sunk in. Finally, deciding that he had enough, Kira tossed Nicol as easily as he had done with Stellar. Nicol's body fell towards the floor as the bracelet broke into two, the pieces laying on the floor beside him. Kira darted quickly, as our attention was diverted to Nicol's figure. Kira took Stellar by the scruff of her neck like a puppy and fled, followed by the other wolf.

When the rest of the pack arrived, the scene before them made each and everyone speechless. Before they had left, the area was a very quiet and peaceful place, where the slightest movements were caused by small insects and animals, but now, the place was bathed in blood. Our side had suffered many casualties; many injured and two dead. Not to mention, we had also lost Stellar to the Lab, though for what reason they wanted another hostage, I did not know. As we tended to each others' wounds, I couldn't help but see the anger and disappointment in Athrun's eyes. Clearly, he had hoped for better results than the first time he had fought Kira.

I'm sorry,” he said bitterly as he wrapped my injured arm in scraps of his jacket, which he tore to make bandages for everyone. “I couldn't prevent you from being wounded,”

I tried to give him a small smile as I ignored the pain that shot up my arm as his fingers brushed over my wound. “I-it's not your fault, it could have happened to anyone,” I replied. “Even you're injuried,” I nodded towards his chest and arms, where blood was dripping down.

Athrun shook his head. “No, I will be able to heal quickly, due to my modified genes, but for you, it'll be much longer until that wound heals,” he said.

When Stellar fought against Kira... I felt my body freeze up at the sight of him. Kira... he hated violence and was always such a peaceful person. He would never hurt anyone on purpose... but now, Stellar could have died at his hands, if I hadn't moved,”

But she didn't, right? Though she is heavily injuried, the point is that she is still living. It was thanks to you that she didn't die in this battle,” Athrun reassured me.

I shook my head. “No.... if only I had acted sooner, accepting the fact that my brother is gone, could I have prevented her from being wounded so gravely,” The image of me standing there watching helplessly as Stellar was being pummeled to death did not disappear from my mind.

Athrun brought his hand up to my hair as he stroked it gently. “You wanted to believe that he was still Kira, I can't blame you for that. It must have been difficult, going against your own family,” he said quietly.

I made no comment to that as I scanned the area around us, seeing wolves licking their wounds and trying to ease the atmosphere around us, despite the losses. However, separated from the other wolves, I noticed one dark-coated wolf walk away slowly, his tail hung low. He had gone with Athrun and the others to search for food, but came back to see the disaster that took place. I glanced sideways towards the ground as I tucked my knees in. “Some are in greater pain aren't they?” I asked as I brought my eyes back towards the retreating figure.

Athrun matched my gaze as I saw his eyes fill with sympathy and understanding. “Shinn wanted Stellar to be his mate,” he said quietly. “He probably feels it the most out of all of us, since he doesn't know what they will do to her,”

Not all wolves can survive their experimentation. Only the strong-willed do and I'm not sure whether Stellar will be able to pull through,” Athrun continued as Shinn's figure disappeared from our view.

In the distance, a lonely howl could be heard as it echoed through the forest, with pain and sorrow mixed in the sound.

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La Corda d'Oro
Summer Romance
Gundam Seed
Wolf Rider

remember the days

