Saturday, August 15, 2009

Gundam Seed fanfic: Wolf Rider ch. 13

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Seed/Destiny!

Chapter 13: Annoyances

Dipping my legs into cool clear water, I felt my mind being refreshed. Earlier, Athrun had spoken to the wolves about Nicol and the subject of letting him stay with us. Even without an explanation, it was rather obvious that Nicol was not wanted anywhere near the wolves. Though he had not killed any of the wild wolves, he had severely injured many and they felt anger and uneasiness towards him. However, Athrun had also explained that having Nicol with us could prove to be advantageous for us, since he knew much more about the lab than Athrun did, especially after Athrun's escapade.

Though many were not convinced that someone such as Nicol could help them in any way, they allowed him to stay due to Athrun's request. However, it was stated that Nicol was not part of their pack in anyway nor could he share their food. If he slowed them down, he would be left behind. If he was found attacking one of their members, he would be killed without question. Not that he could attack anyone, considering the fact that his injuries were just as severe as some he had given. Athrun suspected that he had several fractures and broken bones, preventing Nicol from walking, not to mention standing up.

I swung my legs in the water, pushing the water to move back and forth with the movement of my legs. Truthfully, I was also rather wary of Nicol. Not so long ago, he had tricked me and led me into a trap before kidnapping me. Not only had he hurt me on several occasions, but he had also given orders for Athrun to be nearly-killed. But despite that, Athrun had asked me to look after his well-being while he was off sparring against the wolves. I had wanted to tell him that I felt rather uncomfortable with Nicol, but seeing that Athrun already had so much to do, and I so little, reluctantly, I agreed to his request.

At the moment, I was supposed to be gathering what bits of food I could find for myself and Nicol, but for now, let's just say that I wasn't all that eager to be going back so soon. Last time I left him, he muttered something about getting some shut-eye while I went out. His wounds were caused by my brother. As much as I wanted to think that Nicol deserved it, I couldn't. Even if he did evil things to Athrun, I and the wolves, it was all because he was ordered to, resulting in twisting his personality.

Athrun had told me the consequences they face if an order is disobeyed. They wouldn't be so merciful as to give you a quick and painless death, but instead they would cause more and more harm to you, mentally and physically until you felt as though death was a welcoming door. Every creature at the lab had faced this torture at least once and for the majority, it was all they needed to understand what was in store for them.

But another fact that my mind kept thinking about; Kira, my enemy. He didn't recognize who I was. In that fraction of a second, if I had not moved out of the way, I could have been very well dead. Though I knew he changed, against his will, I did not think that he would attack me. I had hoped for something inside of him that snap him out of it and return him back to the way he used to be. But things weren't as simple as I wished. Everyone was out for revenge, they all wanted his death. As for Athrun and I, we both simply want to stop him and return him to normal. But was it possible to do that without killing him?

I knew from Athrun that the supernatural wolves were originally human, whose cells and DNA were modified and added with that of a wolf. Could it be undone? Was it even possible? I sighed as I scooped the water with my cupped hands and splashed it against my face. The coldness of the water temporarily brought me to my senses. I had to remain strong; I definitely cannot break down at a time like this. As for Kira, we will decide on our actions when the time calls for it. Pulling my legs in, I pushed myself up with the help of my uninjured arm. That was enough moping for today; I had an objective to complete before I headed back. Hiking along the trail that I had taken for the past few days, a satisfied expression filled my face as I was soon greeted by the smell of wild black berries whose bushes were common to see.

They weren't a hundred percent ripe, but they would have to do. Making my way deeper into the bushes, I winced as the thorns pricked my arms, but shook the pain off. I picked numerous blackberries, enough for a snack and carried them in the pouch I made from my t-shirt. My shirt was originally red but had gotten smeared with dirt and what-not, so getting berry juice onto it won't really matter. I started thinking back to my previous life before all of this had happened. School duties, shopping and eating with friends... it seemed like a distant dream. Life was so peaceful; you didn't have to jump at every crack and sound.

The only dangers that could possibly take place at home were falling down the stairs or burning myself with a hot kettle. But that wasn't life-endangering at all. Out here, I had to be careful and be cautious. I had to strengthen my senses and keep my guard up.

By the time I had gotten back to the site, the sun was already quite high in the sky, signaling that it was perhaps mid-day or even past it. Sounds of snarling and growling could be heard down below as the wolves sparred each other. Pausing for just a moment to watch them, I couldn't help but notice that they've become smarter and faster. Instead of just attacking Athrun head-on, they would think of strategies that could possibly help.

My stomach suddenly moaned, reminding me that it was time for me to eat. Making my way through the cave, I paused and lowered myself to the ground, while gently tipping the berries over onto the cave floor. They toppled gently over each other before staying in place. “Took you long enough,” a voice grumbled.

I looked up at the direction of the sound. Nicol opened his bright eyes so they looked at me. Pushing himself up with his good side, Nicol sat up and leaned against the wall, facing me. Then his eyes lowered as he noticed the berries that I had picked. Noticing his gaze, I split the berries into two groups and brushed them towards him. “Here, yours,” I nodded towards the pile.

Nicol looked at the group of berries distastefully. “That's all I get to eat? I wasn't expecting you to catch a fat juicy deer, but at least something with meat on it,” he complained.

I scowled at him. He really sounded like a whiny spoiled brat. Here I was, getting pricked and scraped to get something for us to eat by my own hands and here he was complaining. If he wanted something better to eat, he should go himself. “I would go, if only I wasn't injured,” Nicol retorted. “But as you can see-” he nodded towards his gravely wounded arm. “-that's not the case,”

I had forgotten that he could read minds... another annoying fact about this guy. I really cannot believe that I had once thought of him as 'angelic' with really nice eyes and cute features. But hey, appearances can be misleading and this one definitely fits the case. “Look here,” I said, highly-exasperated. “Either you eat them or don't eat them. Your choice. But I'm not going back out there because for now, this is enough for me,”

We stared at each other intensely, waiting for the other to make the first move. When he said nothing, I sighed and started to bring his pile of berries to add them to mine when suddenly his hand slapped down on mine, like slapping a mosquito. I scowled at him as my hand stung. “What is it now?” I demanded. “You don't like berries, so I'm taking your share,”

Nicol shifted uncomfortably as he brought back his hand. “I don't like berries, but seeing that there's nothing else to eat at the moment... I'll take them,” he mumbled, just loud enough for me to hear.

Looking at him in surprise, I watched as he brought the berries to his mouth one by one with an unhappy expression on his face. He stopped eating when he realized that I had been studying him. “What?” he snapped. “Never seen someone eat, stupid girl?”

I ignored him as I turned to my own pile and ate silently. Oh boy, the next few days will be so much fun...


Elsewhere... Heavy breathing could be heard echoing in the large room filled with nothing. Blood was splattered everywhere, coming from the figure who was leaning against the white cell wall. He had been punished. Punished for disobeying orders.

Hades, do you hear me?” a cold voice called through the speaker.

Hades said nothing as he struggled to breathe. They had sent many electric jolts throughout his body, enough to kill an ordinary human. He was exhausted to the point of passing out, but he struggled to stay conscious. He couldn't be weak. “This is my last warning. I had clearly given out orders for you to capture another subject and return quickly, but instead, you ignored my orders and stayed out longer than necessary,”

Not only that, but you caused me to lose a precious noble when you deserted him. Though he can be replaced, we had spent a great deal of time and money to create him into what he was. And where is he now? Most likely his body is lying somewhere while his remains are being devoured by others,” Patrick continued. “We do not need of those who disobey. No matter whether you are the highest priority in our experiments or not, if you cannot obey, we will also dispose of you as we had done with the others,”

And with that, the man left the room, closing him into a blanket of whiteness.

Hades gritted his teeth. Being caged and having experiments being tested on him, he hated them all. All he wanted to do was fight that dark coated wolf again. He was not satisfied with leaving him with minor injuries. He wanted him to be dead. In this world, only the winners remain. If the other is still alive, then the battle is not considered to be complete. Now, while he was trapped in this place, he could not heal nor could he fight the dark coated wolf. The room he stayed in blocked off any moonlight from coming through and it was now unlikely that he would be sent out for the next little while.

As Hades' breathing slowly returned to normal, a shadow passed over him. Glancing in that direction, he saw a human girl entering the room that he was in. She turned to nod at the guardian who stood outside the door and soon, the door closed behind her. Hades scowled darkly at the girl, wanting her to go away. He had never seen her before, but he wanted her to know the feeling that she was not welcome anywhere near him. But the girl did not leave, instead, she stepped closer until her face was merely inches away from the transparent wall.

Feeling alarmed, Hades got onto his feet and bared his teeth at the girl as he studied her features. She had long flowing pink hair that fell down to her waist line. Large baby blue eyes watched him curiously as she studied him in return. The girl did not wear the uniform that humans who worked at the lab wore, meaning that she was merely a guest. Hades snapped his jaws at her as he felt as though he was an animal at a zoo, being watched, humiliated and trapped.

The girl blinked a few times as her head tilted back as though she was taken back by his ferocity. Then she recovered as an idea lit her face. Scrambling over to the other side of the room that Hades shared his cell with, but fenced off, sat the speaker that allowed the humans to talk to him and him in return. Hades watched the girl as she planted herself onto the chair and fumbled with the controls, testing each function. Finally, she managed to press the TALK button because with his excellent senses, he could hear her faint breathing very clearly.

Hello,” the girl spoke. “How do you do?”

The girl had a pleasant melodic voice. It was free of anger, resentment or any other negative emotion. Hades glared daggers at the girl as she watched for his reply. After a moment of silence, the girl seemed to realize something. “Oh right, sorry... I guess you can't really speak in your wolf form, can you?” she spoke again. “Why don't you change into your human self? That way, it'd be much easier to communicate,”

A snarl of warning came through Hades' throat. A stupid girl was wasting his time. She should just leave him alone. Unless ordered to, the humans who worked here generally avoided going near his room. This girl should not be an exception. The girl shrugged off his warning. “Well, if you don't want to talk to me, that's alright. You can listen to me instead,” she said. “Let me introduce myself; I'm Lacus,”

I don't work here, but my father's friend is the director here, so I'm able to come. You don't seem to get many visitors here... it must be really lonely. Is that the reason why you don't like to talk?”

Hades rolled his eyes as he slumped back onto the floor. So what if she was the daughter of the Director's friend? Like that was special. The girl was rather talkative... more than the other humans who only spoke in murmurs and whispers. She talked about a lot of pointless things that took place in her life and by the time ten minutes had passed since her arrival, Hades could summarize up her lifestory.

Lacus was a sixteen year old human female whose illness explains the reason why her skin is so pale. She is allergic to sunlight and thus can only be active during the night. Lacus doesn't go to school like the other humans, but instead was home-schooled for as long as she could remember. Because of that reason, she didn't have any close friends. Her mother died when she was just a child and thus she was very close to her father. The list went on and on...

Groaning, Hades had given up on making her leave and hoped that the girl would lose interest and simply go away, because whatever he did wasn't helping. The girl had no friends and thus she was rather lonely, resulting in talking to him non-stop. As he began to block out her voice, suddenly, something caught his ears. “...Truthfully, my father and I are against this experimentation on living beings, but unfortunately, there's nothing we can do. Our family owes a lot to the director, so we couldn't refuse when father was asked to work here,” Lacus explained sadly.

When Hades raised his head, Lacus took this as a sign that he wanted her to continue. “My father, you've probably seen him; Siegel Clyne. He is middle-aged with blond hair and an accompanying moustache that goes along with it. He is one of the scientists here,”

Indeed Hades knew the man. Unlike the rest of the humans, Hades couldn't help but notice the look of discomfort and pain that crosses the man's face whenever he was sent down to experiment on the subjects. It was as though he was unwilling to take part in the director's schemes. Hades had sometimes wondered about it, but now he knew why the man looked so troubled. But even though he felt guilty for his actions, Siegel still conducted the experiments that was asked of him. In the end, it was simple; all humans were lowly-beings.

As he was lost in thought, he realized that the girl was no longer there speaking to him. She had left without a word. Hades was surprised that she left so suddenly, it seemed as though she would be here forever. But it was better off this way; he could finally rest in peace without having a brainless human talk his ear off. Laying down on his side, Hades avoided resting on his back because that was where most of his injuries laid. As he closed his eyes against the bright light that shown down on him, he could hear faint murmuring outside the room between two people. One was a male and the other was a female.

Though he couldn't make of their conversation, by their tones, one sounded rather concerned and worried, while the other seemed rather relax and easy-going. Finally after a few short moments, the conversation ended and the door to his room clanged open. Hades paid the human no attention until the door to his cell sounded as the card slashed through the card slot, causing the door to open. Alerted, Hades sprung to his feet, ignoring any pain that went to his back. He watched as the girl from before, Lacus entered his lair. Growling, Hades' hackles raised as he stood his ground, warning her not to come any closer.

Instead of retreating like any normal human would, Lacus only paused for a moment before advancing once more. Eyes widening, Hades backed a few steps away as he kept his guard. Stupid girl! Do you want to die by my hands so eagerly? He thought as he bared his fangs at her. He could kill her easily and painlessly, and yet she kept on advancing. As Hades braced himself for a leap, Lacus' sudden movement surprised him as she bent down. She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a long roll of white fabric.

Scrunching his nose, Hades stared at her, while keeping his guard up. He snapped his jaws at her as she reached her hand out towards him. Lacus quickly drew her hand back. “You're injured,” she said quietly. “Let me do the bandaging for you,”

Hades let out a fierce growl as he glared at the human girl in front of him. How dare she corner him? Was she not afraid of him? Her life could be taken away by him so easily but she contained no traces of fear in her eyes. Was it because she knew that even if he killed her, he would be caught shortly? Hades hated the idea of losing to the human girl. If he just gave her a scare, perhaps he would be lucky enough that the girl would just leave him alone.

Lunging forward, Hades snapped his jaws at her as he passed by, giving her more than just a graze. Hades watched as the girl winced at the pain and held her side. When she brought her hands up, they were coated with red liquid. Hades breathed heavily as he waited for her reaction towards him. Thinking it out logically, the girl would most likely run towards the exit screaming for help. But as he waited, he saw that she wasn't turning her back towards him, much less running towards the exit.

Her eyes moistened from the pain, but they were determined. Breathing heavily, Lacus spoke again, “Please, if you don't bandage your wounds, you won't get better,”

While one hand was holding her side where Hades had gotten her, the other was holding onto the roll of white fabric. “Even if you hate me, I still have to fix you up,” she continued. “I told you earlier that my mother died when I was younger, but that's not the whole story,”



Mommy, thank you for bringing me out,” a young Lacus had said.

Her mother smiled kindly at her daughter whose small hand was wrapped around her own. “I'm always happy to. Since you can't go out during the day, it just means that we go during the night instead. Besides, the playground is emptier at night; you can play on whatever you want to without waiting for it,” she told her. “Usually, I would get your father to drive us back, but truthfully, I enjoy walking in the night; it's very peaceful,”

Lacus smiled at her mother as they walked alongside the road. “You're right, it is very peaceful. There aren't very many cars now, does that mean that everyone is asleep?” she asked.

They may not be asleep, but most likely, they're at home. But there is the occasional stray car, so we have to be careful not to wander into the middle of the road, alright?” Her mother answered.

Lacus had happily agreed as she swung hers and her mother's arm in the night as they walked home. Everything was extremely peaceful, but it did not last. Like her mother had said, there were occasional stray cars and that night, there was a pair who decided to car race down the deserted road without a thought that perhaps there would be people out this late. It was all too sudden and as a bright light shone into her bright eyes, Lacus could hear her mother scream her name.

End of flashback.


Mother had pushed me out of the way, causing me to roll down the grassy hill that was down below. As I rushed back up the hill, due to my fragility, I fell and slipped down several times before I reached the top. When I had gotten back to her, I saw that there was a pool of red blood beneath my mother's body. She was gravely wounded and was barely grasping onto her life,”

That night, I ran, running faster than I ever did. Forgetting the fact that my body was weak, I reached home within a few minutes. My father was waiting for me at the doorstep. He smiled as he saw me return, but that smile faded slowly as he realized that I was crying. I quickly told him all that has happened and we called an ambulance immediately. However, by the time they got down there, mother had lost too much blood..”

Hades kept quiet as he listened to her talk. Unlike the previous conversation they had, well, one-way conversation, this one seemed to be more emotionally-based as Lacus poured her feelings into her voice. As he watched her, he noticed several droplets of liquid flow down her face, though her eyes were hidden beneath her hair. Staring at the droplets of water, Hades forgot about making the human girl go away. The droplets were as clear as water, but yet at the same time, Hades knew that they weren't water.

Realizing what was happening, Lacus quickly brushed them away as her eyes met his. Looking at the human girl, Hades did not know what to feel or to think. Unlike before, he didn't feel angry or any other emotion he usually felt. “S-so, please, let me bandage your injuries before you get wounded even further,” Lacus pleaded as she held up the roll of white fabric.

This time, Hades did not protest and seeing that he was more obeying now, Lacus slowly brought up her hand towards him. She paused when her hand was just inches away from his head, as though hesitant, before placing it down onto his furry head. Gently, she stroked his head, his soft fur slipping beneath her fingers.

Though he had been surprised at first, Hades grew accustomed to the strange feeling he felt as the human girl stroked him. Strangely, he felt something unusual that he had never felt before. He felt as though he had nothing to worry about and maybe even felt calm at her touch. Before he knew it, Hades switched into his other form and his arms and legs collapsed beneath him. His head fell onto something soft and warm and closed his eyes and blurry colors danced in his mind.

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Gundam Seed fanfic: Wolf Rider ch. 12

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Seed/Destiny!

Chapter 12: Nicol

A burial was made shortly after the battle as we wished away the ones that have fallen. The wolves gathered together as they mourned for the two wolves that were loved and lost. One was an elderly male wolf while the other was a young mother, whose cubs were now orphans. The atmosphere was filled with grief and anger as the wolves were determined to avenge their fallen members. Shinn had come back from his despair of losing Stellar to the Lab. His eyes no longer shone of the happy innocence that had once filled them. Instead, they were bitter and bent on revenge. “Athrun,” he growled. “We need to take revenge against the creatures of the Lab, who've hurt and stolen so many of us,”

There was a howl of chorus as the wolves chimed in, agreeing with their leader. “We have to work harder and become stronger to protect everyone dear to us and also free the ones that were taken captive. But to do that, we must train until our strength is nearly depleted. Then, we will have a chance to deliver justice upon our foes,” Shinn declared.

Yes! Bring down the unnatural and save our kin!” Tristan, one of the male wolves cried out and another chorus of agreement was heard.

Shinn nodded his head. “Tonight, rest up and tend to the injured, for tomorrow, we will not rest until the vile creatures are defeated!,” he said before dismissing them.

As I went inside the cave, I saw Cagalli on the cave floor, bandaging the wounded wolves with scraps of my abandoned jacket. Approaching her, I brushed my hand on her shoulder as she looked up at me. “How are things going on here?” I asked as I nodded to the wolves who were licking each others' wounds.

Cagalli frowned slightly. “I guess that we should be grateful that the injuries are nothing major, but they will take some time to heal, and I'm not sure how much time we'll have before we face off against the Lab,” she admitted.

I see. There's nothing we can do to speed the process of healing. Only thing now is to prevent others from being injured,”

I brushed my hand through the soft fur of a young she-wolf who was injured in the battle. I could tell that she was hurting, but I tried to soothe her as Cagalli brought up her injured paw and bandaged it. As she did so, I noticed a hiss of pain escape her mouth as she moved her injured arm. Touching her gently on her shoulder, I stopped her. “Here, let me go it; my wounds aren't as bad,” I said as I held the abandoned strip of fabric.

Sighing, Cagalli and I switched roles as she comforted the she-wolf while I bandaged her. When I finished, Cagalli broke the silence. “Athrun?”

I looked at Cagalli who called my name. “What about him?” she asked looking past me.

I turned my head to see Nicol's still unconscious form lying on the cave floor. I frowned as I inspected his wounds. His arms were bleeding heavily where Kira had bit him. Perhaps they were even broken. As I studied his wounds, I realized that I was forgetting something. Turning my head back to Cagalli, I called out, “What happened to Nicol's bracelet?”

I placed them in my pocket to study them later,”

Can I see them?”

Reaching out, Cagalli placed the two broken fragments into my outstretched hand. It was a cool metal bracelet that had a piece of glass down the middle. As I recalled Nicol wearing it earlier, it had flashed colors of red and green, but that was gone now. “Why do you think Nicol and Kira came today?” I heard Cagalli ask.

I don't know; there could be many reasons,” I flipped the bracelet over onto the other side, but found nothing that would indicate its meaning. “Perhaps, we can ask Nicol when he wakes,”

Ask Nicol?” Cagalli asked, clearly surprised. “Won't he try and kill us all when he regains his consciousness?”

I turned towards her. “He would probably attempt it,” I agreed. “However, he seems to be badly injured, so I highly doubt that he would want to be moving much. You see, only direwolves, such as I, or any higher-level creatures have the ability to heal under the moonlight. Nicol doesn't have that ability,”

Cagalli said nothing to that as she absent-mindedly stroked Basil, a young male wolf, who fell asleep on her side. “Do you think he'll tell us anything?” she asked after a moment of silence.

It's possible. Sure, he hates me, but I'm sure that he's not particularly fond of the lab either, due to all the experimentation on the subjects. Who knows, maybe he'll turn back into his old self,”

His old self?”

I nodded. “Nicol wasn't always like this; he was a kind-hearted boy. Though he was stronger than the average wolf, he was still the weakest compared to the other Nobles,” I told her. “Nicol and I, we grew up together as close cell mates along with the others that you've met. When we grew older and stronger, the humans separated us into individual cells,”

We would only be allowed to see each other during experimentations and fights, where the humans would study our abilities as we fought each other. Though Nicol was forced to, he loathed violence and would never attack, only defend. But I guess everything changed after I escaped the Lab,”

After I finished summarizing the Nicol's characteristics, Cagalli suppressed a yawn as her eyes moistened from doing so. “You should get some sleep; you've been through a long day,” I told her. “I'll be staying awake to keep watch,”

Cagalli nodded as she shifted towards the wall, so that her back would be leaning against the cave wall and closed her eyes. I could tell that she was fast asleep due to her heavy, rhythmic breathing, which I was familiar with. Getting back onto my feet, I exited through the mouth of the cave. Bending down, I sprung up like a spring and did a back flip into the air. I landed on my feet carefully, but stumbled as I felt pain going up my spine as I did so. Shaking off the pain, I looked upwards towards the night sky, which was partly cloudy. Only a small amount of moonlight could be seen, but I guess that would have to do for now.

Stripping off my top with great difficulty with one uninjured arm, I felt my wounds close as the walls of flesh began to piece themselves together. However, before the wounds were a third of the way closed, the regeneration halted due to the limited amount of moonlight that was shone. I sighed. It seemed that I would need a few more days before my wounds would completely heal. At the very least, I would be at full strength by the next full moon. Sitting down, the pain in my tail bone where Kira has bit down was gone. Anything that was probably fractured had mended itself during my healing process.

As the silence and darkness wrapped around me, I was left to do some recollecting of earlier events. When Kira and I had been fighting, Nicol had interrupted our match. “Hades! Chairman is calling us back; we've been gone for too long,” he had said.

When Kira looked as though he was about to ignore him and continue with the fight, Nicol snapped at him, “If we don't get back now, even you will be punished, stupid!” and with that Kira lashed out at him, ignoring the fact that they were comrades.

I frowned at the thought of Kira attacking anyone and everyone. Judging by the today's earlier results, it seemed that he was willing to hurt anyone who got in his way, regardless of whether they were friend or foe... No, in this case, everyone would be his enemy. His anger never seemed to cool down, but what was it that made him so angry? I sighed as more and more questions popped in my mind.

Jumping down from the top of the cave, I was once again at the mouth of the cave where I had left Cagalli. As I entered, I suddenly halted when I realized that another was also awake. His amber eyes studied me as I began moving back inside. It was Nicol, only that he had reverted back to his original form. “Why am I still alive?” he growled deeply.

I raised an eyebrow. “Do you prefer not to be?” I asked in return.

His eyes narrowed. “Being in this state, it's rather obvious that I'm no match for even you now,” he spat, eyes full of disgust. “You could finish me off at any moment,”

As I opened my mouth to answer, Nicol answered his own question. “Ah I see. You wanted to keep me around to answer your questions. So, playing the interrogator, huh?” Nicol said as he read my mind.

I ignored him. “You can keep reading my mind for all you want, but realize that having a one-man conversation isn't very entertaining. So either you answer my questions or shut up and let me have some peace,” I told him.

And why should I tell you what I know?”

Because you hate living at the lab,”

Nicol paused as his eyes turned to slits at my words. “What's it to you whether I like living there or not?” he questioned.

I don't understand why anyone would enjoy being in that sort of place while being electrocuted or having dozens of wires being inserted into you,” I retorted. “I believe that you aren't in that category,”

When Nicol didn't reply, I decided to be reasonable. “Regardless of whether you decide to be of some help or not, our plan of taking down the Lab will still continue to take progress. If we had some information on the lab, things will go a lot faster,” I told him.

Nicol raised an eyebrow. “Take down the lab, eh? Well, either you are courageous or foolish. The chance of you getting out alive-”

I know the chance of surviving is slim,” I cut in. “But it has to be done. If I can bring it all down, set everyone free, but die in the process, all is not lost,”

A sigh of exasperation echoed throughout the cave. “Once again playing the hero of justice. That aspect of you never really changed,” Nicol said.

I shook my head at his words. “If the lab goes down, then I will also have my long-awaited freedom. And you as well,” I told him.

When Nicol said nothing, I could tell that he was thinking my words over. It was not a lie; he really did want to be free. When we were just kids, when everyone else was fast asleep, Nicol, who laid next to me would often talk about his dreams and what he wanted the future to be like for him. He wanted to be free to roam around, whether to be chasing after deer in the forests or making friends and living among humans. If he was no longer used as an experiment, he would be satisfied. Even now, when he had changed dramatically, I knew that he wasn't the type to give up on his dreams.

So, will you answer a few of my questions? Why were you and the others come here today?” I asked, studying Nicol carefully. “And how did you find us?”

He made no sign of surprise at my question. Nicol stared off into space and remained silent for so long that I had thought that he was not going to reply. “Like I told you not too long ago, after you left, everyone went through a gradual change, to become stronger. As you are already well aware, not every subject is a successful one. So, many of the subjects died in the process, decreasing rapidly in numbers. The Chairman wasn't interested in figuring why they couldn't survive, but was intent on getting better specimens for his experiments. The weak that cannot survive is not needed,” he said bitterly.

So, he sent you out to gather more specimens?” I asked, a growl rising in my throat.

Nicol simply nodded. “Humans and wolves alike. As for how we found you guys, that would be thanks to Hades' enhanced senses. At around 50 km away, he picked up the scent of a pack of wolves and steered us towards this direction. Though I was rather surprised when I saw her-” his glance dropped on Cagalli's sleeping figure. “-here among the wolves and your scent all over the place,”

As he gave me his brief explanation, I couldn't help but catch some hatred in his voice as he spoke about Hades. Did they not get along? They were teammates... “Just because we are on the same side does not mean we are all buddy buddy with each other,” Nicol snarled as he picked up what I was thinking. “In fact, I would like nothing better than to skin his hide and use it as my wall decorator,”

That guy... he is superior to all of us in Lab, in everything; strength, agility, senses, regeneration and intelligence. He has the humans all excited about his existence and even the chairman is wrapped around his finger. Yet, he lives as though he is an angered zombie who cannot rest in peace; no emotions but anger, icy both in his heart and his eyes,” Nicol growled. “He has everything that one could wish for, but what is he unsatisfied with?”

From what I had known about Kira was the fact that he was a happy, benevolent boy, who loved his sister very much. But now, all trace of happiness was sucked away when Kira was turned into Hades. Was it possible that he was angry for the fact that he was turned against his will? Or was it because any trace of his freedom had been locked away when he was captured? I frowned. There were so many reasons why the Lab had to go down, but even now, I was a little doubtful on whether I'd be able to pull it off. “Damn that guy, I want to get even with him for attacking me,” Nicol added angrily.

Oh, right. You're injured,” I said, remembering that fact. “Let's take a look at your wounds,”

I took a handful of jacket strips and brought them over to Nicol, who was trying to get into a sitting position, but with difficulty. With one hand, I lifted his shoulder and pushed against it until he was off the ground, ignoring his glare. As I reached out to hold Nicol's injured arm, Nicol shrank back and slapped my hand away. “I can do it myself!” he snapped as he snatched the bandages from my open hand.

I took a step back, a little surprised but then hid a small smile. Though he tried to look mature and cool, he was still very much of a kid on the inside. I watched him as he clumsily bandaged his injured arm with the other arm. In the end, it was messily bandaged, but it was bandaged at the very least. Reaching into my pant pockets I took out Nicol's bracelet fragments. “By the way, what are these? You never had them before I left,” I said as I held out my palm to show him.

Nicol scowled darkly as he eyed the broken pieces with distaste. He turned his head to the side, avoiding my glance. “That was my power gauge,” he said quietly.

What does it do, exactly?” I raised my eyebrow in curiosity.

They temporarily increase the strength and power of the person who wears it. The humans at the lab can monitor our battles and abilities that way. These things also tell us when we are to go back when the energy is too low or when we are called back by the humans,” Nicol explained. “But as you can see, it won't work now,”

Now, since I've told you what you wanted to know, it's my turn to ask the questions,” he said, meeting my glaze. “What do you plan to do with me?”

Truthfully, I didn't know what to answer to that question. I had wanted him to join our side to take down the Lab, since it would be beneficial for both of us, but whether he wanted to go against the ones that he had grown up with was another question. It is true that he wanted to be free more than anything, but I couldn't force him to make that decision now.

We will not tie you up or torture you. Instead, you will be free to walk wherever, but I warn you now; go back to the Lab and I will not hesitate to take you down along with the others,”

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believing at 1:18 PM with 0 comments

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Gundam Seed fanfic: Wolf Rider ch. 11

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Seed/Destiny!

Chapter 11: Monster

Deep within the woods miles and miles away from the nearest city, two wolves could be found lying underneath the shade of the trees with their sides heaving as they took in air. “Hey, Shinn,” I called out as I turned to face him. “You've improved quite a bit from the first time we fought,”

Shinn's red eyes widened with excitement. “You mean it?” he asked.

I nodded. “Of course. Though, it would be better to avoid giving your moves away,” I replied as I tucked my body into a more comfortable position.

A wolfish grin appeared on the younger boy's face as he took in the compliment. A small laugh escaped his throat. “I know... but like you said, I'm doing better. I have to be, after all that practice you're putting us through,” he commented.

Well obviously, if you try to take on the Lab with the way you guys are now, sadly to say, you wouldn't stand much of a chance,”

Shinn's smile faded as he took in my words. “Exactly how strong are they?” he asked as any trace of good humor disappeared with his smile.

I shrugged. “Well, their levels depend on the type of beings they are. I, for one, am a direwolf, the strongest-” I cut my sentence off as I realized that it was no longer true; I wasn't the strongest anymore.

Why didn't you finish your sentence?”

The sides of my mouth turned into a frown as I looked at him, who looked rather confused. “I was the strongest.. but that doesn't apply any longer,” I said quietly as my eyes narrowed, thinking of the dark figure that made my blood run cold. “There's another who is stronger than I am,”

Shinn leapt up from his position at my words. “'Stronger than you?' What do you mean?” he demanded as the look of alert was displayed on his face.

Exactly what I mean. The Lab has genetically-altered another human's DNA to be infused with that of a wolf,” I explained quickly. “They named him a 'werewolf' which is supposedly a class even higher than that of the direwolf, meaning that he is strongest in the facility,”

Then... have you witnessed his strength?”

My eyes narrowed as I recalled fighting him only a few days ago. I was seriously outclassed by him, though I had been a wolf for my entire life while he couldn't have been one for long. I nodded my head. “Yes, I've fought him recently... and through sheer luck, we were able to escape; Cagalli and I,” I growled.

Shinn slumped back down as he placed his head on top of his paws. His ears were flat against his head as though a dog had been scolded by its master. “If you could not defeat him, then it would be nearly impossible for us,” he said.

Though he is strong, I don't think it is impossible to defeat him. No being in this world is so godly that he can't be defeated,” I told him. “I am training you and your pack so that you would be able to fight better on even ground against the Lab due to the experience that you would have gotten from fighting me,”

And this 'werewolf'?”

Leave him to me,”

The two of us remained in silence as we thought about the battle that could happen any day. These wolves are improving, but not as fast as I had hoped. Especially the less eager ones like the wolf named Rey. I could feel his distrust from the aura he gave off. However, he fought and practiced like the others for the well-being of their pack, not because he wanted someone like me to teach him. He was quite strong, which was surprising due to his slim figure, but not strong enough to take on a noble from the lab.

Earlier, when I had asked about the pack and its variety of wolves, I had learned that this pack did not have many blood relations to each other. They picked up stray wolves who had no pack of their own or those who had been left behind and injured. The wolf to do so was the leader of the pack, in other words, Shinn's grandfather. He saved them from death and gave them a spot in his pack, which grew bigger and bigger as time passed. From the way the others spoke of him, he was greatly respected amongst wolves.

Each wolf in this pack had suffered. Some had lost their parents, some had lost their children. With Shinn, I learned that he was taken under the leader's wing as his own when he was found abandoned. When the leader searched for them, their bodies were found ripped apart by stronger creatures that dwelled in the forest. His parents had hid him away, in hopes of diverting the creature, putting their lives at risk. Shinn was barely more than a newborn pup.


I blinked at the call of my name as I turned to see Shinn. The expression that he wore on his face was different from the one earlier. He looked rather dazed. “What is it?” I asked, wondering what he was thinking.

Shinn seemed rather hesitant as his tail twitched nervously. “What do you think of Stellar?” he asked as his gaze fell on the wolf that laid next to Cagalli.

The two had quickly became friends, despite being unable to verbally converse with each other. But they seemed to understand each others' words through their actions. Stellar was also an orphan, like Shinn. She was found heavily injured after a fight with a large wild cat. Stellar had accidentally entered its territory and lost due to the difference in strength. However, instead of giving her the final blow, the cat had decided to let her suffer in pain until her death. It was then, where Shinn, who had a habit of strolling in the evening, had found her and taken her in.

I didn't know a lot about the she-wolf other than the fact that she doesn't speak a lot other anyone other than Shinn. But I guess that was expected because not only was he her savior, but he was also the same age as she was. I could see from the way her eyes shone that she carried no trace of evil and was a very innocent wolf. “I don't know her very well, but I think she seems like a very kind and innocent sort of wolf,” I replied, not sure whether this was what he had been looking for as an answer.

Shinn nodded his head, his ears bobbing up and down as he agreed. “Yeah.. she is,” he replied.

He put his head down on his paws. “I know this isn't the best time to be thinking about it, considering that there's a large battle up ahead, but I think I would like to ask her whether she would like to be my mate,” he said quietly, his tone nervous.

I smiled, recalling the evening last night where I, myself had proposed to Cagalli. When she had agreed, I felt so delighted that my worries of the upcoming battle were forgotten in an instant. What mattered to me at that moment was that my most important person in this world had agreed to be with me forever. “I think you should go for it. You have nothing to lose,” I advised as a blush could be seen from the wolf if he was a human teenager.

You're right. I'll ask her when the time is right,” Shinn replied. “Thanks,”

Don't mention it,”


It has been a few days since we first came to this spot. Athrun has been training the wolves non-stop, due to fear of being unready. There wasn't much that I could do to help them, because I'd only be a burden to their practices. So, for the past few days, I've been taking it upon myself to get my own training down. Before all of this came into my life, I had worked part-time at the gym and even before that, my parents had paid for my self-defense lessons. I frowned as I lowered my leg that was suspended in the air for a round-house kick.

Before all of this came into my life... It really did seem as though it was from another lifetime. Being in the student council, doing homework everyday and hanging with friends... it was a really distant memory. Would I be able to ever go back to that type of lifestyle? I wasn't so sure. It was a slim chance that we would even make it out alive. My mind and my heart were often at odds, one telling me that all of this had nothing to do with me and that I should return to being 'normal' while the other scoffed at the idea of running away cowardly. Even if Athrun and I turned our backs to everything that was happening now, it would only catch up with us sooner or later in the future. And by then, maybe more lives would have been lost.

I gritted my teeth as I wondered if my practices would be of any use in the upcoming battle. I knew from previous experience that I didn't stand much of a chance against regular wolves, much less the wolves that were genetically-modified. But being a captive in the lab, I knew no matter how strong the wolves were, it was the humans who ruled the place. I shivered at the memory of a sleek black weapon firing at us while we ran for our lives. I couldn't slow Athrun or the others down anymore; I had to do my part as well. The people in the lab were human, like me. At the very least, I could take them on.

As I thought about the upcoming battle, I felt a wet, warm object brush against the palm of my hand and looked down. It was Stellar. She brushed her head forwards as she whined for me to scratch the spot behind her ears. Smiling, I paused my training and did so, feeling the softness of her fur beneath my fingers. Then I brought my hand to the top of her head and stroked her, brushing past her ears. Stellar sighed happily as she tilted her head upwards, licking my hand with her rough tongue, tasting the saltiness of the sweat that escaped me.

I bent down, so that I was level with Stellar and gave her a hug. “Stellar, are you feeling nervous for the battle?” I asked quietly as Stellar panted softly in my arms.

I'm rather worried,” I admitted. “I know that I should have confidence in Athrun, but I can't help but to feel scared,”

This will be my first fight where lives will be at stake... I don't want any more beings to die,”

I felt Stellar move in my arms as a wet object licked my face. Stellar whined as I looked into her crystal-like eyes. As I studied her eyes, it seemed as though she was telling me that she was also worried; anyone with the right state of mind would be. But thinking about it ceaselessly wasn't going to bring us a victory. I gave her a small smile as I stroked her soft head again. Though there was a language barrier between us, I couldn't help but feel slightly more at ease than I had been earlier. I got back onto my feet. “Alright, enough moping around. I don't know about you, but I'm rather hungry. Hopefully, the guys will be back soon with the food. Let's go find the others that are here,” I said as I directed Stellar down the slope.

While Athrun and the other went to hunt, their mates and elderly remained behind to keep an eye on the younger ones and their resting site. Stellar's friends came up to greet us as they yipped for her to join them. Sighing, I sat down next to the wolves who were sun-bathing as we waited for the others to return. Leaning back, I glanced up towards the sky and noticed that it was rather grey and cloudy, as though a strong wind was coming our way. A low growl could be heard as I scrunched my eyebrows, wondering if thunder was also coming, when I realized a moment later that the growling wasn't the thunder, but from the wolves beside me.

In alert, I got to my feet as the wolves became more and more restless. Could it be Athrun and the others returning? No... they wouldn't become like this... Is something approaching? Just when the thoughts appeared in my mind, a flash of moment could be seen as several figures soared above our heads and landed behind us. Whipping my head around, I glanced in shock as two large wolves reared their heads and looked our way. The one in the center was an un-naturally large wolf that had a chocolate brown color fur coat.

I held my breath at the sight of these wolves; they were the ones that came from the Lab. The lighter coated wolf was one that I would never forget; Nicol, who was the one who had taken me prisoner not so long ago. The second wolf rather unfamiliar and the last, I couldn't take my eyes off him. His violet eyes were full of anger and hatred as he bared his teeth toward us, showing off his long canine fangs. His claws dug deep into the ground bearing the weight that the immense body held.

I could feel the wilderness wolves' uneasiness as they ignored the urge to shrink back at such a creature. Even I, who was human could feel the fear in the atmosphere around us. My heart began racing as I remembered the events that happened just a few days ago, when Athrun and I had barely escaped the Lab. We had encountered Kira, who held the form of a monstrous beast whose anger and lust for blood bore a heavy weight upon us. It was the exact same wolf that was in front of us now.... It is my brother.

At a sharp bark from Kira, the other two wolves lunged for their attack, facing off against the wilderness wolves. Jaws snapped against each other viciously as the wilderness wolves fought for their lives. Though we outnumbered them, it was obvious who the victor of this battle would be. However, as the battle went on, I noticed that only two of the Lab's wolves were fighting. As I scanned the area around me to find Kira, Stellar's growling from behind me took my attention. Spinning around, my breath was caught as I saw Kira's wolf stand before me, saliva dripping from his mouth as he watched us hungrily.

K-kira...” My voice was drowned out by Stellar's growling as he approached, slowly placing one paw in front of the other, crushing the earth as he made he way toward us.

When he was close enough to strike, Stellar lunged at him, jaws snapping in his face. I watched with horror as Kira counter-attacked by sidestepping her and clamping his jaws into her neck before throwing her over his shoulder. Stellar's body was thrown against the side of the cave as Kira made his way towards her once again. “Kira! Stop this! Don't hurt her!” I screamed.

Kira ignored my words as though they were never said. As Stellar was struggling to get back onto her feet, Kira forcefully slammed his paw down onto her neck, forcing her back down to the ground. A high-pitch gasp of pain ringed in my ears as I saw Kira gradually apply more and more force. He was going to kill her. Gritting my teeth, I grabbed a fallen branch that laid beside me and charged at him, throwing the fact that he was once my brother to the wind.

Kira paused as his ears perked at the sound of my heavy footsteps. Within a relatively close distance, I threw the branch at Kira, hoping that it would distract him. The impact that I was waiting for never came as he spun around, whipping his tail like a bat as it connected with the branch and flung it to the side. The branch slammed heavily against the trunk of the tree and created a huge dent in the bark.

My breathing grew faster and faster with every passing moment as I had fully caught Kira's attention now. “K-kira!” I called out as he progressed towards me. “It's me, Cagalli!”

Kira's eyes showed nothing but anger as he continued to move forward. My name... it had no importance on him. He had no recollection of who I was... of who he was. The cries of pain around me were drowned out by the thumping of my heart as I realized that Kira had me backed against the wall of the cave. Going onto his hind legs, my eyes watched as he raised his paw, claws aimed towards me. Leaping to the side, I felt an icy feeling flow through my body followed by warmth and pain as his claws had gotten my left arm.

Crying out, I landed against the forest floor, withering in pain. I brought my right hand out from under me. My hands were bathed in a pool of blood that flowed from the wound that he gave me. Kira went back down on all fours as he glanced at me once more. My breath was caught in my throat as I backed away, using my right arm to do so, because my legs would not do as they were told. I was going to die... die by Kira's hands...

Kira roared, causing the whole forest to echo behind him. As he made the motion to strike, another figure roared, slamming into him at the side, throwing Kira a few meters away. I watched as a dark-coated wolf took the place where Kira was moments before. Athrun...

Athrun bared his teeth as Kira snapped his jaws at him. The two faced off, lunging towards each other, jaws snapping in each other's faces. An exchange of swipes could be seen as they fought. Kira's snout made it's way to Athrun's tail and he clamped his jaws onto it tightly. Athrun roared in pain as he struggled to get out of his grasp. Finally, he kicked out his rear legs, one connecting with Kira's stomach, causing him to let go, while he gasped.

The two panted heavily as they glared at each other, several meters apart. Suddenly, a loud bark could be heard as another figure made their way to the scene. I recognized the wolf to be Nicol. The bracelet that hung on his leg was glowing as several colors flashed. He began to bark at Kira who said nothing in reply. Seeing that he wasn't paying attention to him, Nicol stepped in front of him and snarled in his voice. Kira's eyes narrowed as anger flowed through them once more. Without hesitation, Kira flew at Nicol, his jaws clamping down onto Nicol's leg, where the bracelet lay.

Nicol, who was thrown off guard, howled in pain and he struggled against Kira's strong hold. Blood gushed out of the wound as Kira's teeth sunk in. Finally, deciding that he had enough, Kira tossed Nicol as easily as he had done with Stellar. Nicol's body fell towards the floor as the bracelet broke into two, the pieces laying on the floor beside him. Kira darted quickly, as our attention was diverted to Nicol's figure. Kira took Stellar by the scruff of her neck like a puppy and fled, followed by the other wolf.

When the rest of the pack arrived, the scene before them made each and everyone speechless. Before they had left, the area was a very quiet and peaceful place, where the slightest movements were caused by small insects and animals, but now, the place was bathed in blood. Our side had suffered many casualties; many injured and two dead. Not to mention, we had also lost Stellar to the Lab, though for what reason they wanted another hostage, I did not know. As we tended to each others' wounds, I couldn't help but see the anger and disappointment in Athrun's eyes. Clearly, he had hoped for better results than the first time he had fought Kira.

I'm sorry,” he said bitterly as he wrapped my injured arm in scraps of his jacket, which he tore to make bandages for everyone. “I couldn't prevent you from being wounded,”

I tried to give him a small smile as I ignored the pain that shot up my arm as his fingers brushed over my wound. “I-it's not your fault, it could have happened to anyone,” I replied. “Even you're injuried,” I nodded towards his chest and arms, where blood was dripping down.

Athrun shook his head. “No, I will be able to heal quickly, due to my modified genes, but for you, it'll be much longer until that wound heals,” he said.

When Stellar fought against Kira... I felt my body freeze up at the sight of him. Kira... he hated violence and was always such a peaceful person. He would never hurt anyone on purpose... but now, Stellar could have died at his hands, if I hadn't moved,”

But she didn't, right? Though she is heavily injuried, the point is that she is still living. It was thanks to you that she didn't die in this battle,” Athrun reassured me.

I shook my head. “No.... if only I had acted sooner, accepting the fact that my brother is gone, could I have prevented her from being wounded so gravely,” The image of me standing there watching helplessly as Stellar was being pummeled to death did not disappear from my mind.

Athrun brought his hand up to my hair as he stroked it gently. “You wanted to believe that he was still Kira, I can't blame you for that. It must have been difficult, going against your own family,” he said quietly.

I made no comment to that as I scanned the area around us, seeing wolves licking their wounds and trying to ease the atmosphere around us, despite the losses. However, separated from the other wolves, I noticed one dark-coated wolf walk away slowly, his tail hung low. He had gone with Athrun and the others to search for food, but came back to see the disaster that took place. I glanced sideways towards the ground as I tucked my knees in. “Some are in greater pain aren't they?” I asked as I brought my eyes back towards the retreating figure.

Athrun matched my gaze as I saw his eyes fill with sympathy and understanding. “Shinn wanted Stellar to be his mate,” he said quietly. “He probably feels it the most out of all of us, since he doesn't know what they will do to her,”

Not all wolves can survive their experimentation. Only the strong-willed do and I'm not sure whether Stellar will be able to pull through,” Athrun continued as Shinn's figure disappeared from our view.

In the distance, a lonely howl could be heard as it echoed through the forest, with pain and sorrow mixed in the sound.

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believing at 4:17 PM with 0 comments

Monday, June 29, 2009

Gundam Seed fanfic: Wolf Rider ch. 10

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Seed/Destiny!

Chapter 10: Promise

It had been several hours since Athrun had spoken to the wolves. Giving me a quick run down on the fact that the wild wolves were on our side, I couldn't help but feel slightly more at ease; we now had a strong ally. However, anxiousness still filled my heart as I wondered whether or not it would be enough. Not only were the captives of the Lab numerous, but they were also strong, stronger than the average wolf. And so, Athrun had taken it upon himself to coach and train these wolves so they would know what was in store for them. I sat down underneath the shade of the trees and watched as the wolves lunge at each other, snarling and baring their teeth. Though everyone was now on friendly terms, it still seemed as though they wanted to tear each others' hearts out.

But I shouldn't have been worried; Athrun clearly knew what he was doing. He moved flawlessly, dodging each and every attack while countering with his own. His attacks were enough to throw one off his feet, but not severely injuring them. I sighed; it seemed that everyone had a part to do, but me. As I leaned against the tree, strangely, I felt a pair of eyes watch me. Turning around, I saw a young wolf looking at me curiously. On a closer look, it appeared that the wolf was a female, as she seemed less muscular.

She had a lighter coat than the rest of the wolves. It was like a honey-brown, which was highly unusual for a wolf. As I met her eyes, I realized that she was studying me the way that I was doing to her. Swallowing nervously, I reached out a hand towards here. “Come over here, girl,” I said gently as the wolf watched my movement.

She didn't seem the type to attack. The wolf seemed rather curious as she slowly approached my outstretched hand, though cautious at the same time. “I won't hurt you,” I said again in the same tone, recalling Athrun's words.

Not matter what humans say, wolves are rather intelligent and can understand parts of human speech. It's the humans the refuse to acknowledge that fact,”

Slowly, the she-wolf made her way over to my hand and finally, when she was just an arm's reach away, she placed the top of her head into the palm of my hand, similar to what I've seen dogs do in the city. Gently and slowly, I stroked her smooth glossy fur, not daring to breathe. Feeling a movement coming, my hand froze as the she-wolf stepped back and shook her body out before lying down next to me. I exhaled in relief as the wolf seemed to sense no danger from me. I placed my hand on her head and stroked her once more.

She was rather tame for a wolf, yet I felt that she wasn't entirely a wolf. More like a dog, I think.. I wonder what her name is.. I should ask Athrun about that later on. Seeing that she also had nothing to do, the female went into a light slumber as a repetitive breathing could be heard from her. I smiled, which was funny, despite the troubled times we were in. It felt nice to have a peaceful atmosphere.

As night slowly made its way, the she-wolf awoke as the other young wolves called her over to join them. Giving me a glance before she left told me that she had taken a liking to me. I grinned to myself; I had made another wolf friend. And speaking of 'wolf friend', it was just then that I noticed another figure approaching me. Glancing down at the lower fields, the practice between Athrun and the wild wolves seemed to have paused for the moment. The dark-coated wolf paused for a second in front of me before lying down, placing his head on my lap. I was slightly surprised at first, but then grew accustomed to the weight quickly. What seemed like a wolf-ish sigh, the wolf changed forms so that the being that was lying on my lap was now Athrun in his human form.

He made no effort to move as though he looked comfortable in that position. “How are they?” I asked as I looked down at the face of perfection.

Athrun opened his eyes so that his emerald pupils met my amber ones. “Not as bad as I had originally though, but of course, we have a long way to go,” he replied truthfully. “Though he is rather hot-tempered, Von proved himself to be a worthy fighter,"

I nodded. “Well, he is pretty large... so I guess he would be rather strong,” I said. “... Do you think we can win against Kira?” I asked.

I felt Athrun's body tense slightly at the mention of the name but eased up within a fraction of a second. “I don't know, but nothing is impossible,” he answered, “Especially for wolves that become stronger and stronger for each time they lose,”

I brought my hand to his hair line and began to stroke it gently. His hair was as smooth as his fur, and slipped beneath my fingers as water did. “Then... does that apply for you as well?” I asked.

Athrun gave another little sigh as he closed his eyes. “What do you think?” he said, making no motion to swat my hand away. “Mm, that feels good,” he murmured.

A smile came upon my face as Athrun really did seem rather wolfish at times. Dogs and wolves enjoyed their heads being stroked and it seemed that Athrun was no exception. Despite our troubles, the atmosphere around us was quite peaceful. “You know, earlier, you really had me worried, when I found that you were missing,” Athrun said suddenly, his eyes staring into mine.

My hand paused as I was surprised that he started to speak all of a sudden. I lowered my gaze guiltily as I recalled being nearly torn to pieces by the wilderness wolves. “...I'm sorry, I didn't expect that to happen,” I admitted. “When I woke to find you gone, I decided to look around for something to eat, but as I heard a growling sound, I dropped everything I had and tried to defend myself,”

Athrun sighed again, though this sigh was a sigh that sounded rather exasperated. “Leave the food to me; all you have to do out here is keep yourself safe and sound,” he said as he messaged his temples. “But besides that, you seemed to have made friends with Stellar,” he added with good-humor.

I blinked. “Stellar?” I repeated.

A smile came onto his handsome face as his rich emerald orbs met my amber ones. “Yep, that she-wolf that was sleeping next to you,” he said. “Her name is Stellar,”

Oh, I see. How old is she?” I asked out of curiosity. “Compared to the other wolves, I'm guessing that she is quite young,”

Athrun nodded. “You guessed right. Stellar is about Shinn's age... that black-coated wolf over there,” he said, pointing over to the pack of wolves who nestled together. “They're among the youngest in the group, which might explain why those two are so close,”

If she was human, then she'd only be a year or two younger than you are,” Athrun added.

I nodded as he spoke. As I compared a life of a wolf's to a human's, it was very different. In a regular teenager's life, they'd be going to school, hanging out with friends or worrying about their school grades. But in the life of a wolf, ever since at a young age, each and every wolf is taught to defend themselves from any attackers. Their skills must remain sharp since their survival depends on it. “Another question,” I said.

A boy-ish grin came onto Athrun's face. “Another one?” he chuckled softly. “Alright, what is it?”

Well, I'm just curious, but who is the leader of this pack?” I asked nodded towards the wilderness wolves.

The leader of a pack is usually the strongest and fiercest one, so naturally, I had thought that Von would be the one, but he isn't,” said Athrun as his smile disappeared to be replaced with a frown.

Then who is?”

A moment of silence... “From what they told me, their leader was kidnapped about a week ago along with several other wolves from the pack, which I suspect to be the doing of the Lab,” Athrun explained. “So at the moment, Shinn is the 'acting' leader due to the fact that his grandfather is the leader. However, Von is the strongest among the wolves,”

Then it was lucky for us that Shinn was able to convince the wolves to become allies with us... since it would be difficult for us to do it alone without the numbers,” I commented.

Athrun nodded. “Yes, extremely. Since most of the decisions are made and confirmed by him, the others can't really go against them or else it would mean a rebellion within the pack,” he explained. “Though I have to admit that I was surprised that Shinn still trusted someone like me after his father's kidnapping,”

I frowned as I could see what Athrun was thinking. He was a creature of the Lab, though he was no longer part of it. Shinn, who holds high authority over the wilderness wolves must hold a grudge against those from the Lab who kidnapped his grandfather. “When did you meet Shinn? From what you're telling me, this can't be a recent meeting,” I said.

A small smile came upon Athrun's lips. “Truthfully, it was a day or so after I had met you. You see, in the beginning, I was troubled about the creature that I am. I wasn't sure who I was able to trust, because the humans that I knew of in the Lab were merciless and cold-blooded. So one time when you were gone, I spent my time outside and saved Shinn, who was barely more than just a pup then, from an attack by a mountain lion,” he explained.

I could help but feel a little wounded hearing that Athrun couldn't trust me, but at the same time, I told myself that I would probably feel the same if I had been in his situation. “So you two have kept in contact since then?” I asked.

Athrun nodded. “Yeah.. I snuck out at night quite often and every now and then, I would run into him. Though he is young, he grasps the aspect of things rather quickly. Shinn knew that I wasn't a normal wolf like he was, so I told him the truth not too long after Nicol and the others came. What was most surprising of all was the fact that he accepted me, despite being such a supernatural creature,” he added.

My hand twitched at his words as I remembered seeing Athrun in his original form for the first time. I had been so shocked from the turn of events and even my kidnapping that at that moment, I had instinctive slapped his hand away though he was concerned about my well-being. Though it had not crossed my mind after so long, the pain that crossed his face when I rejected him was something that I could never forget in my lifetime. Athrun wasn't like the other wolves who slaughtered my family. He cared for me and was there when no one else was. Athrun would never cause me any harm. But yet... I had done something so unforgivable...

I had been so deep in my thoughts that I had not even realized that Athrun shifted his body to an upright position. “Cagalli?! What's the matter?” Athrun's urgent voice broke my train of thought.

Turning towards the direction of his voice, I could see that he wore an expression of worry and concern. It was then that I realized that I was crying. Embarrassed, I turned my face away to hide my tears, but Athrun had already seen it. I wiped my tears away with my arm. “A-ah, it's nothing,” I lied with failure.

A firm hand took the arm that I was using to wipe my eyes and turned my body around. I was looking at Athrun once again. “It isn't nothing! Why are you crying? Are you hurt anywhere?” he asked, his voice full of worry.

I shook my head, avoiding his gaze. “N-no.. I'm not. Like I said, it's nothing,” I said.

Releasing my arm, Athrun cupped my face with both hands, forcing me to look at him straight. “Cagalli,” he started quietly. “Please tell me what is the matter. I thought we were close enough for you to tell me whatever that is bothering you,”

I sniffed, remaining silent. I knew that Athrun excelled in everything, even speech. Just by a few simple words, he could make one spill the deepest of secrets. Taking a quick glance at his face before adverting my eyes, I started to speak. “Remember that day when Nicol and the others took me as bait?” I asked quietly.

I felt Athrun's hands froze on my face as the memory took an impact from him. “Yes,” he spoke.

When you changed forms in front of me, I admit that I was shocked, but I swear, I had never wanted to reject you that day!” I exclaimed as I gripped his jacket and stared straight into his eyes.

Everything had happened so quickly and unexpected that my body wasn't truly under my control. Before I had realized what I had done, you were already gone. You don't know how much I had regretted my actions that day! I-i know that somewhere inside of you, there is a part where I know that I won't ever be forgiven, but please know that I don't want you to ever disappear from my life... no matter what you are!”

As I took a breath to continue, my words were cut off as Athrun took me into a deep embrace, similar to the one from last night. “Cagalli... Cagalli,” he called my name. “Was that all you were worried about?”

I blinked in surprise, he didn't seem to be angry like I had thought that he would be. “Athrun?” my voice sounded small.

Athrun's strong arms wrapped tightly around my waist, as though he never wanted to let go. “I also admit that I felt as though I wanted to die when I thought that I was no longer wanted by you,” he admitted. “But it was too late; I couldn't be separated from you, so I came back to the cabin only to find that you were gone,”

Though it was inappropriate at the time, did you know how I felt when you called for me? Knowing that I was needed, without any hesitation I came for you,” he said quietly. “.. Though it was also my fault that you were taken to such a place,”

I couldn't help but smile a little at his tone of voice on the last part. “But it was also thanks to you that got us out of there,” I told him as I felt better.

Athrun shook his head. “Nah, it wasn't just me; it was thanks to you too. Without you, we wouldn't have been able to escape the prisons,” he replied back.

Fine, it was both of us then,” I summarized. “But before you get any weird ideas, I'm not usually this weak, alright? I-it was just you caught me at a sentimental moment,” I added, embarrassed of my scene just moments before.

Athrun made no reply as he merely chuckled. I was surprised when Athrun released me. “Now that you're feeling better, I as well truthfully, there's a place that I discovered earlier,” he told me. “I want to show you,”

What is it?” I asked, curious of what it could be.

You'll see... anyway, get onto my back; it's faster than just walking since it's not that close,” Athrun said as he turned his back to me.

I hesitated for a moment as I looked at his backside. Well, it's not the first time Athrun has given you a ride... though the other times were when he was in his wolf form.. I thought to myself. “Hmm? What's wrong? Aren't you getting on?” Athrun questioned my motives.

Yeah yeah, just be patient,”

And so, I latched on onto his back as he wrapped his strong arms around my legs to support me, though both of us knew that he wouldn't let me fall all of a sudden. “Alright, hold on.. though I'm not as fast in my human form, I'm still a lot faster than an average person,” Athrun warned as I wrapped my arms around his neck and nodded.

We took off into the forest. It was dark... so dark that I was barely able to make the outline of the trees and bushes that surrounded us. It was a little exhilarating traveling in what seemed like darkness, but I trusted Athrun. After all we had been through together, it felt good to know that your most trusted person was able to be beside you through the thick and thin. Though I had never noticed before, Athrun's back was quite wide and muscular, though it wasn't often visible due to the fact that he usually wore jackets. It was warm as well.

Athrun moved very quickly, though he claimed that his speed as a human was no where close to the speed that he gained when in his wolf form. I guess the size and form mattered quite a bit when it came to speed. To avoid my eyes hurting because of the wind pressure going against us, I lowered my head, almost pressing my forehead against his back. “Almost there,” I swore I heard him say.

After a handful of minutes, Athrun slowed his pace to a jog before halting completely. I still hung onto him, without realizing that we had already stopped. “Cagalli? It's over,” said Athrun as I opened my eyes slowly and blinked.

Indeed we had stopped. Athrun slowly released me as I made my way back towards the ground, surrounded by unfamiliar surroundings. Though I knew we were still somewhere in the forest that was connected to the spot where the wilderness wolves lay, it seemed that we had come a long way. “Where are we?” I questioned as I scanned the darkness around us.

Due to my limited vision, everything seemed pitch black. I could barely make out anything. Though I was extremely curious for why I was brought here. “Hmm.. truthfully, I don't know as well,” Athrun replied, good humorly.

I spun around to look at Athrun, who blended in well with the dark except for his eyes, which seemed to illuminate. “Like I said earlier, it was by mere coincidence that I stumbled onto this spot, but c'mon, I'll lead the way,” he added as a hand grabbed my own.

It was an extremely strange situation where one is led through the dark without any idea what was going on. “Athrun? Where are you taking me?” I asked as I winced at the feel of branches and leaves raking against my skin.

Athrun made no reply to my question and instead released the hold of my arm. Startled, I stopped moving. “Athrun?!” I hissed.

For a moment or two, I was left stranded in the dark without the ability to see in the dark. I could feel the beating of my heart quicken at the fear of being alone, even if for just a second. “Athr-!” I called again but was interrupted as a hand covered my mouth.

Shh!” came Athrun's voice as he faced me, his eyes visible in the dark.

He took my hand once more and brought me through the bushes. “Look!” he whispered as he yanked my arm towards the front, bring my body with it.

Breaking out of the bushes I was about to question his motives again but I suddenly paused and looked at the front. Countless of lights danced around in front of us, moving in a repetitive order. As silence crept around us, I realized that I could hear the low humming and fluttering of wings as these lights continue to move around. It was a sight to behold. Feeling a pair of eyes scan my face, I looked to my side to find Athrun looking at me. “What do you think? Cool eh?” he whispered excitedly.

I nodded, having my breath taken away at such a scene. “...Amazing,”

Come, let's sit over on that patch there,” Athrun said quietly as he began to move, once again taking hold on my arm.

This time, I followed him without saying anything and sat down next him to watch the performance that was set by the fireflies. Though we were surrounded in complete darkness, the light that the insects were enough to illuminate the space that they filled. We remained in silence as we watched the performance until finally, Athrun broke the silence.

These past few days have been nothing but action and stress... I wanted you to be at peace, even for a little while,” he explained.

When I took his words into thought, Athrun continued on, “You know, no matter what will happen in the battle that's in store for us, I'll make sure that I'll always protect you, even at the cost of my life,” he said as his tone told me that he was deadly serious.

I shook my head at his words. “No, you're wrong,” I replied, making Athrun look at me with questioning eyes.

You and I.... we will protect each other,”

In the dim light, I thought I saw a smile on his face. “Yeah, you're right,” he replied. “... But, you know... if we do survive in the end...” his voice trailed off.

He had fully caught my attention as I focused on his face. Athrun's eyes faltered slightly as he glanced to his side as though to collect his thoughts for a fraction of a second. When his eyes were once again staring into my own, he took a deep breath. “If we do survive in the end... and save everyone,” he said. “...W-would you like to come live with me?”

I stared at him in surprise as a blush filled my cheeks. Was this a proposal? “I-i mean, after I put my past life as a wolf behind me, I could get a job and support us... and our family,” Athrun continued, obviously rather flustered by the way he was speaking. “That is... if you want,”

I smiled really widely as I listened to his words. It would be the second time that I would become tearful in that day. “Yeah... I'd like that,” I replied as my eyes were brimmed with tears.

I could hear Athrun breathe in relief and brought my face closer to his. Closing my eyes, I left everything else up to pure instinct. Athrun seemed to have felt what I would be doing and so, before I knew it, my lips touched the thing that I was looking for; his lips. I felt his hands brushed back my hair and in turn, I wrapped my arms around him as we shared a passionate, yet blissful kiss. A kiss that sealed our promise to each other. A promise of survival.

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A place for where my fanfics go at full length, while being re-directed from the main blog


La Corda d'Oro
Summer Romance
Gundam Seed
Wolf Rider

remember the days

